Birmingham and Solihull Public Health and CCG, in collaboration with Edward’s Trust are interested in hearing from you about your experience in seeking support following a bereavement by suicide. We want to learn and understand what we are doing well, and what areas need to be developed further. We appreciate that this can be a difficult topic to talk about and with the pandemic, services have not been able to offer support in the way they have done previously. We would value your help to shape what future suicide bereavement support looks like. If you would like to know more about how your information is stored, you will find the privacy notices for each council here – Birmingham City Council and Solihull Metropolitan borough council.
Link to the survey. It should take no longer than 5-10minutes. Google Form
If you are currently struggling and need to talk to someone/or know someone who is, you can contact the following services for support, advice and guidance:
Mind helpline: 0121 262 3555 (24hrs – for adults and young people)
Bereavement support: 0121 687 8010 (support available for anyone both personally and professionally). Support in languages such as Punjabi, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi is available. Additional languages can also be requested.