Bereavement by Sudden Loss
credit: Shutterup PhotographyAny bereavement is hard but sudden death brings with it an additional level of trauma which can be extremely distressing. When someone dies suddenly there is no chance to say goodbye and no chance to prepare. It is not uncommon to feel shock, disbelief and numbness immediately after your loss. Feelings can be intense and scary.
When you are supporting children, it is important to give them facts so that they can understand what happened in an age appropriate way.
Counselling can be helpful to allow space and time to work through the mixed emotions you may feel following such a difficult event. Our wellbeing support can help alleviate some of the physical symptoms your grief may bring.
Helplines for immediate support
Personal Stories
People who have been bereaved often say that they feel so alone in their grief and think that no one else understands. A number of our bereaved adults took part in a filming project because they wanted to have their voices heard and for others to know that are not alone in feeling what they feel.
Lesley came for support at Edward’s Trust after her son Nicky died in a road traffic collision. Here is her story.
You can see the other films – Voices from our Bereaved Adults on our YouTube Channel herere
Find out more about how we can help
What is Counselling?
The word ‘counselling’ may be a bit of a daunting word, but really it’s just about meeting with somebody who will try and understand and is trained to help you express how you are feeling. This can help you work through how you feel and find coping strategies for your grief journey.
Read more here
What is Wellbeing therapy?
Facing the loss of a loved one is a very individual journey and the experience of grief often affects the whole person – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Wellbeing therapies offer a range of ways to support you to relax, and become more aware of how closely our mind, body and emotions are linked.
Read more here

Here are some recommended websites about bereavement by sudden loss that we hope you will find informative and useful
Road Traffic Collision
Podcasts, Blogs
If podcasts & blogs are your thing, then here are some you might find helpful or interesting
Cambridgeshire Contabulary – Claire’s story of losing her 22 year old daughter to a RTC
Grief is my Superpower: A number of different Podcasts
Griefcast: Funny People Talking About Death
On the Marie Curie Couch
Cruise: More podcasts
Personal Stories from other organisations
Offering support to those bereaved by a road traffic collision is an important part of our work. Nikki received support from us after their son Jack was killed in a car accident. Here is Nikki’s story
On December 3rd, I received the most devastating news that a parent could ever hear; my 18 year old son Jack had been killed in a car accident whilst on his way to work. At that moment I thought my life had ended too, my heart was broken and I couldn’t see a way of living with the terrible pain that filled my days. Life without him was unbearable and it virtually tore the family apart.
I was encouraged to contact Edward’s Trust by a friend who had suffered the same. Being able to talk to someone who understood what we were going through was invaluable and with regular support, counselling, and group meetings with other families who are coping with the loss of a child, we are slowly rebuilding our lives. I know that I couldn’t be where I am today without their support and now, there are more good times than not. The difficult times I am coping better with, and just being able to talk in a comfortable, caring environment means the world to me.
This year it should have been Jack’s 21st birthday. I was absolutely dreading it and quite frankly had no idea how I was going to deal with the day. I decided that I would like to give something back to Edward’s Trust and set up a fundraising page on Facebook. The response was absolutely amazing. Friends and family came together to celebrate his special day and we raised over £2,000. I was so overwhelmed with the response, it made what was a very difficult day both meaningful and special.
Life will never be the same without our beautiful boy, but Edward’s Trust have given us hope that there is a future and Jack will always be part of it.